Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hoobastank - The Letter

Inspiration is a funny thing. It comes and it goes. Right now, mine is AWOL. I suppose I shall write about something close to my heart, music. I shall review a song, The Letter by Hoobastank.
This is one of my favourite songs right now and I've no idea why.
Let's start with the lyrics:

"Meet me there at midnight, same place we always go,
I'm absolutely sure he doesn't know."

Those words jump off the letter, that I found behind our
Bed, haunting me they echo in my head
In my head...

It's too late to try and work it out
There's no way to turn this thing around
It's all there in the letter that I found
I've memorized it line for line
Too bad the letter isn't mine....

"When can I next see you? I've been counting down the days.
I promise you our secret will be safe."

No, I just can't continue, reading through my tears,
The meaning of the letter is so clear....

It's too late to try and work it out
There's no way to turn this thing around
It's all there in the letter that I found
I've memorized it line for line
Too bad the letter isn't mine....

You wanted me to find it, girl.
You never tried to hide it, girl.
The writing never fades, the words are here to stay.

I hope you find this letter, I'm writing you today,
These will be the last words that I say....

It's too late to try and work it out
There's no way to turn this thing around
It's all there in the letter that you've found
It's too late to try and work it out
There's no way to turn this thing around
It's all there in the letter that you've found

So, memorize it line for line:
I won't be there to say you GOOD BYE.

Basically it's about being betrayed by a person you thought you knew, thought you loved, thought you could trust. We've all had these experiences and no matter how big or small they are perceived to be, they all hurt. In this instance, the person who was betrayed had the courage to leave the person who betrayed them. I believe this is an example that should be followed, not in every instance of course, but in many.
The harmonies in this song (in the version with Vanessa Amorosi) are quite pleasant and easy to sing. The melody is dark-ish and rock like with electric guitars, bass and drums coming through.

This is a relatively short post I suppose, but I have posted nonetheless.


DISCLAIMER: anything said in this or any other post of mine is the opinion of myself and only myself unless quoted and attributed to another.

Monday, July 6, 2009


How complex life really is. Just as you believe that you may be starting to vaguely understand it, something happens that shows you that you really don't a the slightest clue. Be it good, bad or neutral, these happenings catalyse changes in one's life. It makes you rethink you're entire philosophy, everything you ever thought and the way you saw the future.
These happenings recently edged their way into my life through someone close to me, my sister. She is as sweet as pie and one of the most wonderful and talented people you will ever meet. She had recently had a happening as well, thus by educating me on hers, she inspired me.
I'm now calling into question my life ambition (to be a psychologist) and debating whether to switch to another field. While life has not completely convinced me to change quite yet, I'm sure that whatever it has in plan will come to be. I'm in the process of applying for a job, making a list of things I want to achieve in life, clearing clutter in my life in both the literal and metaphorical sense.
I have a renewed interest in writing, style, music, learning, my appearance and life in general.
